Month: February 2017

When you heal, we all feel it!

Are you finding that your usual ‘go to’ list of self care/self soothing things just isn’t cutting it? Perhaps you’re experiencing health issues (either new or old) bubbling up or childhood wounds and issues from the past are being triggered? If you’ve been experiencing some pretty dense heavy energy of late or any/all of the above, then please know that you aren’t alone! There are a couple of things that we have been feeling into that have been working in tandem creating a sort of *double whammy* energy effect on many of us. Firstly, the dense energy that many of us are feeling is the fear, uncertainty, hatred and negativity which has been dislodged from the riverbed of the collective consciousness and is now floating on the surface in full glaring view. This dredge (that was conveniently settled on the bottom of the riverbed out of view for many years before) has risen to the surface in every area of human life and, as a result, can no longer be ignored which, despite being a good thing in our view …